Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Greatful Heart and a very full belly....hehe...

Today is Thanksgiving!
And we had a most wonderful thanksgiving celebration here in Germany with our international family; and of course LOTS of food!! Hurray! Everything was absolutely delicious and the company was the best part. We had our thanksgiving this year at the Church CoffeeBar because we have outgrown (yes its true!) our little cafe. And people shared from there own languages prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord for His abundant goodness, it was beautiful. Of course we all still missed our real families and dear friends back at home, wherever that home may be; but we were all so truly thankful for the family God has given us here this semester! So with my belly full of good food and a very jolly spirit....I can now say that its official: it's finally time to put that Christmas music on baby! But I mean the good stuff...Like Frankie or Bing....or Micheal Buble...woo! The important thing is to just not wear it out. I am actually SO EXCITED to go home!! God is so good, always and forever will be. Glory be unto Him!

A little prayer for you, for all those I dearly love and miss:
Jesus truly you are very good to me, to us. And I simply say a very deep and heartfelt thank you for all of the many blessings you have given to me. For my dear and precious family and friends I am so greatful, life would be so hard without them and You! So I offer up this prayer for all of them: May they see Your unfailing love and goodness at every moment in there lives. May they be blessed as everything in our life is another opportunity to fall at your feet and abide in your great love! Amen.

Love Love, rest well tonight!

1 comment:

MichelleDaniela said...

had fun last night chi, :) you are such and encouragement to thankful to be colaboring with you this season...thanks be to God!!!!
te quiero, Michelle