Been such a good night!! I LOVE YOU MICHELLE!! I thank Jesus for you!!
cant wait to see what wonderful things Jesus does!
Love Mai.
ps: Stefano pick up the tele next time i ring you!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
lunedì lunedì .
Today is 3 Dec.!!
And there is just so much to be done! In other great and exciting news!! Things are starting to really take shape with the plans for the future CCBC Campus in Italy! Please keep it all in prayer! There are only 20 days left until I fly home! Im so excited for this break, so many wonderful things are coming!! Hurray! Got to run now, your all in my prayers too. Keep looking up!
love and misses, Mai!
And there is just so much to be done! In other great and exciting news!! Things are starting to really take shape with the plans for the future CCBC Campus in Italy! Please keep it all in prayer! There are only 20 days left until I fly home! Im so excited for this break, so many wonderful things are coming!! Hurray! Got to run now, your all in my prayers too. Keep looking up!
love and misses, Mai!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
There cannot be a peaceful coexistance with the old nature, with the old man. We are to mortify the deeds of the flesh!
-Pastor Chuck said that.
Lord help us all!
Great Medidtation for today:
Ephesini 3:20&21.
-Pastor Chuck said that.
Lord help us all!
Great Medidtation for today:
Ephesini 3:20&21.
My Froat Hurts....
I think I might have tonsillitis. This is not good! And all I can do is gargle with salt water, yuck. Well in other news, things are going well! We have only 3 1/2 weeks left of the semester! Everyone is getting really excited to go home and I am too. I cant wait, but for now can you say some prayers for my froat, please! Thanks. Many of the students are ill so give a prayer for them too! Got to run now...
Love Mai.
Love Mai.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
A Greatful Heart and a very full belly....hehe...
Today is Thanksgiving!
And we had a most wonderful thanksgiving celebration here in Germany with our international family; and of course LOTS of food!! Hurray! Everything was absolutely delicious and the company was the best part. We had our thanksgiving this year at the Church CoffeeBar because we have outgrown (yes its true!) our little cafe. And people shared from there own languages prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord for His abundant goodness, it was beautiful. Of course we all still missed our real families and dear friends back at home, wherever that home may be; but we were all so truly thankful for the family God has given us here this semester! So with my belly full of good food and a very jolly spirit....I can now say that its official: it's finally time to put that Christmas music on baby! But I mean the good stuff...Like Frankie or Bing....or Micheal Buble...woo! The important thing is to just not wear it out. I am actually SO EXCITED to go home!! God is so good, always and forever will be. Glory be unto Him!
A little prayer for you, for all those I dearly love and miss:
Jesus truly you are very good to me, to us. And I simply say a very deep and heartfelt thank you for all of the many blessings you have given to me. For my dear and precious family and friends I am so greatful, life would be so hard without them and You! So I offer up this prayer for all of them: May they see Your unfailing love and goodness at every moment in there lives. May they be blessed as everything in our life is another opportunity to fall at your feet and abide in your great love! Amen.
Love Love, rest well tonight!
And we had a most wonderful thanksgiving celebration here in Germany with our international family; and of course LOTS of food!! Hurray! Everything was absolutely delicious and the company was the best part. We had our thanksgiving this year at the Church CoffeeBar because we have outgrown (yes its true!) our little cafe. And people shared from there own languages prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord for His abundant goodness, it was beautiful. Of course we all still missed our real families and dear friends back at home, wherever that home may be; but we were all so truly thankful for the family God has given us here this semester! So with my belly full of good food and a very jolly spirit....I can now say that its official: it's finally time to put that Christmas music on baby! But I mean the good stuff...Like Frankie or Bing....or Micheal Buble...woo! The important thing is to just not wear it out. I am actually SO EXCITED to go home!! God is so good, always and forever will be. Glory be unto Him!
A little prayer for you, for all those I dearly love and miss:
Jesus truly you are very good to me, to us. And I simply say a very deep and heartfelt thank you for all of the many blessings you have given to me. For my dear and precious family and friends I am so greatful, life would be so hard without them and You! So I offer up this prayer for all of them: May they see Your unfailing love and goodness at every moment in there lives. May they be blessed as everything in our life is another opportunity to fall at your feet and abide in your great love! Amen.
Love Love, rest well tonight!
Monday, November 19, 2007
What a wonderful long weekend I have had, thank you Lord! Amy Lane and I got to chill with some fantastic friends; Mike and Sofia and Joel!! Im so thankful for all there kind hospitality to me and amy!! God is so good! I love going to Stockholm and this time it was even more wonderful to be there with such rich company and fellowship! If you get an opportunity to go up to Sweden, go! Its worth it completely.
More to come...
Love Love Mai.
More to come...
Love Love Mai.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Fantastic Morning!!
Today, This Morning: Wednesday 14.11.2007!!
It has snowed this morning! And now the sun is poking his head out!
It's Amy Lane's 20th Birthday, and tomorrow we are going together to Stockholm for a couple days! Just chillin and thanking our sweet Jesus for being so god to us!! And He is and He is and HE JUST GETS BETTER BABY!!! Get this: Stefano is coming to America!!!! So many things are just happening right now I could just scream! Oh and sometime give a listen to John Legend, he is fantastic!! Have to run now, so much to do and see....Thank you Jesus, thank you from the bottom of my heart and with my entire being! I love you Jesus!
Love to you all--Look up!
Xoxo Mai Mai.
It has snowed this morning! And now the sun is poking his head out!
It's Amy Lane's 20th Birthday, and tomorrow we are going together to Stockholm for a couple days! Just chillin and thanking our sweet Jesus for being so god to us!! And He is and He is and HE JUST GETS BETTER BABY!!! Get this: Stefano is coming to America!!!! So many things are just happening right now I could just scream! Oh and sometime give a listen to John Legend, he is fantastic!! Have to run now, so much to do and see....Thank you Jesus, thank you from the bottom of my heart and with my entire being! I love you Jesus!
Love to you all--Look up!
Xoxo Mai Mai.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Has it been so long?
Dearest Friends,
Has it really been so long since we last talked! Or since I have last been to posting something on this little blog!! Forgive me, its even already Novembre! Goodness how the time flies. And goodness; how good God truly is! Oh friends, I have seen His sweet and tender mercies in my life and I know that without a doubt; those same sweet mercies are in abundance for you too. I think that most times when I come to write a little update, I sound like a papagallo or so. Because I really cannot express to you as I wish I could how good the Lord is to us as His sheep. How is it that such a wonderful God is mine, how is it that He takes care of me and yet knows exactly how to stretch me and grow me! I really dont know how I ever once lived without Him living and breathing in me. By the grace of God, go I. And may you dear friend, go on in His precious grace. Be not afraid of putting your hands to the plow and dont look back! Can you imagine the places He is going to take you! And yes, it is indeed such a sacrifice but He is worth my heart completely! Let me quickly pray with you before I go on: Jesus, who are we that you think of us so fondly! Thank you Lord. You are so kind, so faithful and true. Give us a fresh annointing of your Holy Spirit that we can serve you and be faithful lovers of you with our entire beings! Do great things through us, and give us the grace and mercy we need to choose the path of the low road. Amen.
Life is beautiful, isnt it?! Recently we just had our Outreach Week. We had quite a few teams this semester and I was blessed to be helping alongside Vince as he lead our trip back to Montebelluna, Italy. Montebelluna is located in a region called the Veneto. Just think Venice and then Montebelluna is about an hour or so west from there. We spent a week there helping and serving at the church, evangelising and enjoying life as it is in Italia. It was a blessed time and the Lord taught us all really what it meant to live and serve and work in Love and to always be ready to forgive. There isnt a better way in this life. We took the students to Venice and to some other beautiful cities to enjoy fantastic cappuccini and yummy pizza! I always miss that part when I am back here in Germany. But I have learned that each place has its charms and sometimes you just have to look a little harder for them. Sometimes they arent in what you expected them to be. One of the biggest blessings was to see our friends, both those from the church and the friends we made this summer during our time there. One of our dear friends had our entire team to his house for dinner and it was so lovely! His parents are some of the kindest people I know and have always treated Vince and myself with such wonderful hospitality. Keep praying for them! Stef, if you read this: thanks again for having us and give your family my love!. Anyways, in all it was a great trip and I do have to say that I am so greatful to come back to my own room and my own bed here. I love what the Lord has allowed me to do here at the Bible College and I am so blessed that He is opening doors for me to go out to Italy and serve under Pastor Craig and to help at the Bible College they plan to open up. So please keep that in your prayers as well. God is moving and doing a great work out here in Europe!
Have a wonderful evening and remember the Love Jesus has for you. amen!
Ciao Ciao
Love to you all,
Chiara Mai.
Has it really been so long since we last talked! Or since I have last been to posting something on this little blog!! Forgive me, its even already Novembre! Goodness how the time flies. And goodness; how good God truly is! Oh friends, I have seen His sweet and tender mercies in my life and I know that without a doubt; those same sweet mercies are in abundance for you too. I think that most times when I come to write a little update, I sound like a papagallo or so. Because I really cannot express to you as I wish I could how good the Lord is to us as His sheep. How is it that such a wonderful God is mine, how is it that He takes care of me and yet knows exactly how to stretch me and grow me! I really dont know how I ever once lived without Him living and breathing in me. By the grace of God, go I. And may you dear friend, go on in His precious grace. Be not afraid of putting your hands to the plow and dont look back! Can you imagine the places He is going to take you! And yes, it is indeed such a sacrifice but He is worth my heart completely! Let me quickly pray with you before I go on: Jesus, who are we that you think of us so fondly! Thank you Lord. You are so kind, so faithful and true. Give us a fresh annointing of your Holy Spirit that we can serve you and be faithful lovers of you with our entire beings! Do great things through us, and give us the grace and mercy we need to choose the path of the low road. Amen.
Life is beautiful, isnt it?! Recently we just had our Outreach Week. We had quite a few teams this semester and I was blessed to be helping alongside Vince as he lead our trip back to Montebelluna, Italy. Montebelluna is located in a region called the Veneto. Just think Venice and then Montebelluna is about an hour or so west from there. We spent a week there helping and serving at the church, evangelising and enjoying life as it is in Italia. It was a blessed time and the Lord taught us all really what it meant to live and serve and work in Love and to always be ready to forgive. There isnt a better way in this life. We took the students to Venice and to some other beautiful cities to enjoy fantastic cappuccini and yummy pizza! I always miss that part when I am back here in Germany. But I have learned that each place has its charms and sometimes you just have to look a little harder for them. Sometimes they arent in what you expected them to be. One of the biggest blessings was to see our friends, both those from the church and the friends we made this summer during our time there. One of our dear friends had our entire team to his house for dinner and it was so lovely! His parents are some of the kindest people I know and have always treated Vince and myself with such wonderful hospitality. Keep praying for them! Stef, if you read this: thanks again for having us and give your family my love!. Anyways, in all it was a great trip and I do have to say that I am so greatful to come back to my own room and my own bed here. I love what the Lord has allowed me to do here at the Bible College and I am so blessed that He is opening doors for me to go out to Italy and serve under Pastor Craig and to help at the Bible College they plan to open up. So please keep that in your prayers as well. God is moving and doing a great work out here in Europe!
Have a wonderful evening and remember the Love Jesus has for you. amen!
Ciao Ciao
Love to you all,
Chiara Mai.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tonight 27.9.07
I promised at one point to have my best intent in keeping this updated regularly, and well, I guess I am still learning! Little learners take time. Tomorrow is Friday! I know you know I love Fridays, good things are always happening on Fridays! Vince's sister comes tomorrow and it will be really nice to meet her! He is all smiles. Saturday we plan to go to Cologne and have a nice day away from our little street here in Eiserfeld. THANK GOD! I feel like waking up tomorrow and screaming: CARPE DIEM!! This is an excellent read and I know you'll love it: The Imitation Of Christ by Thomas A Kempis. Amen!
My little prayer for you dear friend and faithful reader:
You are the faithful Husband and the Vine!
Lord we love you and we long to be fully thine!
May all who come across this note know that they are thought of and loved and what is more is that you have such a passion for them and you love them. May they live and live life knowing your precious grace and tender mercies all day long. Give them hope and joy, patience and a gracious forbearance. May they be anxious for nothing but come to you in faith and trust in your absolute perfect timing knowing you are making intercession for them to the Father! Pour out your Spirit upon them!
I promised at one point to have my best intent in keeping this updated regularly, and well, I guess I am still learning! Little learners take time. Tomorrow is Friday! I know you know I love Fridays, good things are always happening on Fridays! Vince's sister comes tomorrow and it will be really nice to meet her! He is all smiles. Saturday we plan to go to Cologne and have a nice day away from our little street here in Eiserfeld. THANK GOD! I feel like waking up tomorrow and screaming: CARPE DIEM!! This is an excellent read and I know you'll love it: The Imitation Of Christ by Thomas A Kempis. Amen!
My little prayer for you dear friend and faithful reader:
You are the faithful Husband and the Vine!
Lord we love you and we long to be fully thine!
May all who come across this note know that they are thought of and loved and what is more is that you have such a passion for them and you love them. May they live and live life knowing your precious grace and tender mercies all day long. Give them hope and joy, patience and a gracious forbearance. May they be anxious for nothing but come to you in faith and trust in your absolute perfect timing knowing you are making intercession for them to the Father! Pour out your Spirit upon them!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Because your my best friend, You are my best friend!
Last night my BEST rang me from sunny California. We talked and laughed, kindred spirits were flying all around!! I was in Heaven! And I was so encouraged that I think i went to sleep with such a peaceful smile on my face that I woke up with it too! Today is a wonderful morning, it truly is! I hope that you are enjoying yours too!
Love you all and may you see the flicker of hope that is waiting around the corner! Good things are coming!
Love you all dearly,
Chiara Mai.
Love you all and may you see the flicker of hope that is waiting around the corner! Good things are coming!
Love you all dearly,
Chiara Mai.
Friday, September 7, 2007
A Whirlwind of Thoughts...
To the ones that I dearly love,
Your patience with me is so appreciated!! Its always in the times when there is much to do that I seem to fall behind! One of these days I am going to determine to make it to be one of those people who excel during the most busiest times and come out on top like a shining star. But until then I am just still a great little work in progress! So where were we now?! Right then, this past week or so: Thank you very much for all your diligent and sweet prayers, we have all felt them as we have been very busy for the past weeks preparing and getting school of to a smooth start! So this past week has been of course very busy but not without blessings. God has time and again proved His grace is sufficient and His love limitless. Even when we are stressed, tired, overwhelmed He is there right by our side and is waiting for us to draw from His ever fresh supply. How sweet our Lord is!
School is going well and the students are settling in to there new lives here in Siegen. The weather has been mediocre at best, but there are a few days when the Sun pokes his happy face out to say hi and of course we all are so bright and happy when he does. I have to say that I am glad that Germany is Germany. There are so many times that I wish I was Italia...for the weather and the people, etc.. Then I realize that these differences are great, and all is as it should be. Italy will always have my heart even when I am living and serving here! Don't we have so much to be thankful for?! Yes, we do!! And one simple word of encouragement: Let all that you do be done with LOVE. Don't loose sight of why you are doing what you are doing for the Lord! It is a patient, persevering labor of Love. And Jesus Christ is worth it.
My prayers are with you and I can't wait to hear all that the Lord is doing in and through you in these last days. Oh another little thing: Fall is coming! That is exciting because it reminds me of being back in New York!
Love, Chiara Mai. Psalm 62:8
In other news..!!!
CIAO STEFANO!! I promise I will try to send you pictures soon! Have a wonderful time tonight with Dave and Gazi! Guess what?! You will be so proud of me: I have started a new thing in my daily life>> I am trying to drink a cup of tea a day! SI E VERO! love you friend! ciao
Your patience with me is so appreciated!! Its always in the times when there is much to do that I seem to fall behind! One of these days I am going to determine to make it to be one of those people who excel during the most busiest times and come out on top like a shining star. But until then I am just still a great little work in progress! So where were we now?! Right then, this past week or so: Thank you very much for all your diligent and sweet prayers, we have all felt them as we have been very busy for the past weeks preparing and getting school of to a smooth start! So this past week has been of course very busy but not without blessings. God has time and again proved His grace is sufficient and His love limitless. Even when we are stressed, tired, overwhelmed He is there right by our side and is waiting for us to draw from His ever fresh supply. How sweet our Lord is!
School is going well and the students are settling in to there new lives here in Siegen. The weather has been mediocre at best, but there are a few days when the Sun pokes his happy face out to say hi and of course we all are so bright and happy when he does. I have to say that I am glad that Germany is Germany. There are so many times that I wish I was Italia...for the weather and the people, etc.. Then I realize that these differences are great, and all is as it should be. Italy will always have my heart even when I am living and serving here! Don't we have so much to be thankful for?! Yes, we do!! And one simple word of encouragement: Let all that you do be done with LOVE. Don't loose sight of why you are doing what you are doing for the Lord! It is a patient, persevering labor of Love. And Jesus Christ is worth it.
My prayers are with you and I can't wait to hear all that the Lord is doing in and through you in these last days. Oh another little thing: Fall is coming! That is exciting because it reminds me of being back in New York!
Love, Chiara Mai. Psalm 62:8
In other news..!!!
CIAO STEFANO!! I promise I will try to send you pictures soon! Have a wonderful time tonight with Dave and Gazi! Guess what?! You will be so proud of me: I have started a new thing in my daily life>> I am trying to drink a cup of tea a day! SI E VERO! love you friend! ciao
Monday, August 27, 2007
Have No Worries!
Dear Loves!!
Italia has been bellissima! Sorry that an update couldn't have been read sooner, you all understand, don't you!?
Good things are always worth waitin for!
Allora, its too late now for the whole story but I promise to post it as soon as I finish settling back in to life here.
Thank you for your prayers and love!
Ciao Buona Notte, Chiara
Italia has been bellissima! Sorry that an update couldn't have been read sooner, you all understand, don't you!?
Good things are always worth waitin for!
Allora, its too late now for the whole story but I promise to post it as soon as I finish settling back in to life here.
Thank you for your prayers and love!
Ciao Buona Notte, Chiara
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Fly like an eagle....
I leave in 5 days! I dont want to say goodbye to Mamma e Pappa!! Oh goodness I have to pack!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Good Morning, Sunshine!
Its FRIDAY BABY! Fridays are the best days! And if you know me then you know I love em! So, Carpe Diem!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Oggi Mattina

This is a picture from China! I really hope that someday, Lord Willing, I will see some of South East Asia. That would be absolutely incredible, and to share it with someone that I love more than my own self, yes, how wonderful! Those that know me well, know that I always have been interested in working for an NGO or even a mercy ship type of deal one day....only the Lord knows what amazing adventures I have waiting ahead for me! For now, its that good old summer time heat with that lovely humidity. I've been a little ill the past few days, but nothings stopping me from enjoying the time I have with my parents. Oh, this morning I was looking around on the internet and National Geographic is having a contest, look it up on the traveler website. Its only 300 words?! So I thought, well why not? We shall see if I come through. Were off now! Ci vediamo!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Observation No. 23 (Concerning Men)
As I was running by toay on my little run I do, I noticed how for some reason; men love to talk or converse near the barbeque. Or even an open flame, like a fire pit. One man will have to flipper in his hand and an eye on the meat, and the other two chaps will have a can of some drink in one of there hands. There will be some chairs around, but they will never sit in them, no no they would rather stand and enjoy being the men around the grill. I think that its a good thing, the men should be with the grill!
Travel Fact No. 4
To avoid getting the 'Delhi Belly' you should keep a sharp eye on what local foods you eat. Dont avoid trying the local foods, just be careful. Oh and if you do get 'delhi Belly' ( that is the polite way of saying diarrhea) make sure to drink plenty of water again to avoid further sickness resulting from dehydration!
Two weeks from today I will be back in Siegen...oh i dont even want to think about it! I dont want to say goodbye to my mamma e pappa, its been wonderful, every single bit of it!
As I was running by toay on my little run I do, I noticed how for some reason; men love to talk or converse near the barbeque. Or even an open flame, like a fire pit. One man will have to flipper in his hand and an eye on the meat, and the other two chaps will have a can of some drink in one of there hands. There will be some chairs around, but they will never sit in them, no no they would rather stand and enjoy being the men around the grill. I think that its a good thing, the men should be with the grill!
Travel Fact No. 4
To avoid getting the 'Delhi Belly' you should keep a sharp eye on what local foods you eat. Dont avoid trying the local foods, just be careful. Oh and if you do get 'delhi Belly' ( that is the polite way of saying diarrhea) make sure to drink plenty of water again to avoid further sickness resulting from dehydration!
Two weeks from today I will be back in Siegen...oh i dont even want to think about it! I dont want to say goodbye to my mamma e pappa, its been wonderful, every single bit of it!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Oh My America! My New Found Land....
Tomorrow is 4 July, thank you Lord for the freedoms we do so easily enjoy! Today my mamma and I went to the Doctors and that resulted in a silly fight over something, well, silly. So then, we went to the natural foods store, its called Lori's. Lots of nice hippie want to be kids work there, rock climbing people and the lot of them, you know....I found some amazing patchouli and hemp lotion there! And it immediately made me think of the one and only REID in my heart! Oh how i miss her! And HanBanan too, so much. Its late now and I am going to read before I sleep, as is my tradition! Buona Notte, more tomorrow when I wake up to the birds singing and the smell of sweet air!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The Very First

Dearest Friends,
Love to you all! To be quite honest I never thought I might actually make one of these things, and here I am! It is actually an attempt to try another method to writing a monthly update; prayer and support letter. And contrary to my former opinion, these things really arent as scary as they seem to be (at least to little me!). Allora, hopefully I can fill these pages with something read-worthy for you all. This first entry has to be short for some good reasons:
No. 1: Today it is actually chilly here in New York. Yes it is 1 July, but its not humid. I suppose we shant complain!!
No. 2: Mamma just came home and I cant wait to give her a big smooch and have some good caffe with her
No. 3: My fingers are freazing and were going to Nonna's soon
Its such a beautiful day, and I hope you are enjoying it wherever you are as well!
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