Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Me and Michella made frenchy toasties this morning!!! It was muy divertido!!! Later kids.

They neither toil nor spin.

A note of encouragement:
Lately, in this past week or so; I have been reminded gently each day by the Lord to not worry and be not fearful. He has faithfully reminded me everyday that He has not and will not forsake me and that I am to simply abide in Him. How precious is Jesus! I was reading today and was reminded that His ways are better than our ways. I have been praying that the Lord would help me in my unbelief and that I would no longer be hindered by it! Is He not worthy of complete trust? He is. So if you are worried about things remember that the flowers of the field and the birds they are taken well care of. And you, are you not much more worth to Him than the so sparrows? Amen.

In other news! The Pastors Conference is going on right now and it seems to be going very well! We are busy in the kitchen from morning to night! Im so thankful that Micheru is here...we have a good time serving together. And Lids too. Together all of us serving make a really great team, everyone is working hard and having fun. Michella and I are off to kitchen again. haha!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A note to let you all know that I am back in Germany safely! Thank you Jesus! I got to ride the first half of my trip with my best friend which was perfect. We laughed and loved the whole time. God blessed all the time we had together. Life is a beautiful and so exciting when lived for the Lord. I am blessed. Now it is back to work here in Siegen! We are preparing for the Pastor's Conference. Please pray that it goes well and that it is blessed by the Lord. We have enough help which is encouraging so that no one person should feel the burden of all the work upon themselves. Well Im off to do things. I will post a copy of my update next. As always, your patience with me is so appreciated. Thanks for it!
Ci sentiamo
Love and miss you all!
Love Mai.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

one more thing

Tomorrow morning I will be going to the Airport to pick up MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I get to see her beautiful face and give her a big smooch!! God is so good!! Thank you Jesus, thank you so much!
Too good to be true!
buona notte!


Buon Natale e Buon Anno!!
Love to you all!! It is a brand new year and great things are coming just around the corner!! Can you taste it? I can! It is a fresh vision. I promise to post the new update/newsletter very soon and to even put some pictures up! Time is precious friends, don't waste a minute of it! Carpe Diem! I read something so beautiful the other day: 2 Peter 3:9, Psalm 33:11, Isaiah 44. When you have a moment give them a look. You wont be forgotten by Him o Israel!!
Beloved, I wrote a little prayer for you all and myself:
I know that God is good to me and you, Yes He is indeed. His promise is not slack as some would consider it slack, nor can His promise fail you! Oh dear saint, to give up now would only be to walk half way. Half way is not the way of the cross or the Son. So pick up the cross and by the grace of God, go forth. And do not be afraid! Amen.

Got to run now, more soon! Congratulations Andrew and Miriam Rann!! Hurray!!
Love and Prayers,
Chiara Mai.

Ps: Thank you to all of you who prayed for my time this break...God has done EXCEEDINGLY above and beyond. Eph. 3:20+21.